Danielle P. Meyer Ph.D.
Jungian Psychotherapist, Art Therapist, and Archetypal Astrologer
Fees for Service
I offer telehealth appointments for outpatient individual therapy in Colorado, Hawaii, and Oregon.
My fee per 60 minute session is $150. I accept out-of-pocket payments through a HIPAA-compliant app called Ivy Pay, which accepts all major debit/credit cards and/or HSA.
I can also generate monthly superbills to submit to insurance companies for reimbursement.​ Or, if your insurance plan reimburses for out-of-network services, I can submit claims as an out-of-network provider.​ I use Thrizer to submit out-of-network claims, so you don't have to wait to receive a monthly superbill and you are only responsible for your out-of-network copay. Please know that if you'd like me to submit claims, you will need to call your insurance provider to know your benefits and deductible before beginning therapy.